Thursday, November 15, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Mimmo Crupi is a gentleman who was born in the same town as I. He lives in Pizzo Calabro with his family. Pizzo is abour 85km from Acquaro where we were born. Mimmo was here in Melbourne last Christmas enjoying a holiday. I had the good fortune to meet him while in Melbourne, it was at our club, Acquaro-Limpidi Social Club. We had a nice long chat, it was relly good to meet someone after so long, 50 years.
Mimmo Crupi
Mimmo Crupi is my friend whom I have met again after many years. He lives in Pizzo Calabro, Italy but he came to Melbourne for a holiday and also to visit hie brother.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
A new way of keeping fit
I normally used to go for a walk most morning. Some mornings from home to Princes Park, other mornings along the Merri Creek. My walk was approximately 8km and it took me one hour and 15 minutes to complete. About three months ago it started to rain and it was cold and windy in the mornings so I decided to subscribe to the swimming pool.
I am not a very good swimmer and I haven't been to the pool for a long time. I believe that the last time I was at the pool, it was when my youngest son was little, he is now 30. The first couple of mornings I went swimming I felt a little hesitant but gradually I gained a little more confidence and started doing laps a little easier.
I am now enjoying the pool so much that I go swimming at least four times a week. I also use the spa most of the times I go to the pool. I have now completed my three months subscription and at the time of renewal I also decided to join the gym.
I think I feel quiet good and I also think that this swimming is beneficial to my overall wellbeing. The swimming has so far done me good, let's see how I go with my excercising in the gym.
I am not a very good swimmer and I haven't been to the pool for a long time. I believe that the last time I was at the pool, it was when my youngest son was little, he is now 30. The first couple of mornings I went swimming I felt a little hesitant but gradually I gained a little more confidence and started doing laps a little easier.
I am now enjoying the pool so much that I go swimming at least four times a week. I also use the spa most of the times I go to the pool. I have now completed my three months subscription and at the time of renewal I also decided to join the gym.
I think I feel quiet good and I also think that this swimming is beneficial to my overall wellbeing. The swimming has so far done me good, let's see how I go with my excercising in the gym.
My Blog: Medibank Private
My Blog: Medibank Private: A few weeks ago the Shadow Treasurer, Joe Hokey said that if the Coalition won government, in order to reduce the debt, the Coalition would...
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Mother Pig
We all love our mother especially knowing that she fed us by holding us lovingly close to her breast. This pig is also a mother. Look at the pleasure the little pig feels by suckling at her mother's nipples.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Queste foto sone parte della citta' di Melbourne. These photos are of the central part of the city of melbourne
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Improbabile Amica
Quaesta giovane ragazza studentessa tedesca e' divenuta mia amica per caso. Questa graziosa giovane donna studiava a Pisa ed e' venuta a conoscere degli amici paesani. Nel frattempo Martina seguiva il guestbook del sito di Acquaro e li, ho fatto conoscenza. Sono un tre anni ormai dalla data che siamo divenuti amici. Io ho trovato questa splendida ragazza una vera amica e senza nessuno interesse. Io sono molto piu' anziano di lei e io vivo in Melbourne, Australia mentre lei vive e studia in Gemania. Durante questo tempo d'amicizia lei mi ha fatto sapere un po' di se e della sua famiglia, che io ho intuito che sono gente srempice e assai umile ma che amano e rispettano il prossimo. Anche io le ho fatto sapere un po' di me e della mia famiglia. Questa ragazza dal momento che io l'ho conosciuta mi ha dato l'impressione di una giovane donna molto matura per la sua eta', molto ragionevole, molto rispettosa e piu' che altro assai intelligente e che ama la sua famiglia. Lei e' naturalmente molto occupata con gli studi e altre faccende che una giovane come lei potrebbe occuparsi, ma malgrado tutto questo, Martina trova di tanto in tanto sempre il tempo di scrivermi un messaggio che io lo leggo e mi sento orgoglioso di essere suo amico. Grazie della tua amicizia Martina. Sei proprio un gioiello.
Durante la mia vita adulta ho sempre cercato di rispettare ed aiutare il prossimo di quanto ho potuto. Durante il passar degli anni ho fatto tanti amici. C'erano degli amici che sono stati amici per qualche tempo ma poi sono spariti. Tanti sembra erano amici quando ne avevano di bisogno, altri forse non gli facevo simpatia, altri forse io non reagivo secondo come volevano loro. Cosi con il passar del tempo ho perso tanti amici, amici che dopotutto erano amici quando gli conveniva.
Per conto mio l'amicizia e' una cosa continua, un rispetto reciproco tra persone ragionevoli e di sostanza, tra persone che lenti all'ira e grandi nell'amore son pronti a capire, ragionare e perdonare.
Nella mia vita sono stato un po' fortunato in questo riguardo perche' ho dei veri amici che la nostra amicizia ha continuato per tanti anni. Ho un'amico a Malta che ho conosciuto a Melbourne circa 35 anni or sono, con quasto amico, Paul ci scambiamo messaggi email settimanalmente e una volta tanto parliamo anche per telefono. Mio caro amico, tu sei rimasto mio amico perche' tu mi vuoi bene e io ti volglio anche tanto bene.
Dio ti benedica oggi, domani e sempre. Peter
Per conto mio l'amicizia e' una cosa continua, un rispetto reciproco tra persone ragionevoli e di sostanza, tra persone che lenti all'ira e grandi nell'amore son pronti a capire, ragionare e perdonare.
Nella mia vita sono stato un po' fortunato in questo riguardo perche' ho dei veri amici che la nostra amicizia ha continuato per tanti anni. Ho un'amico a Malta che ho conosciuto a Melbourne circa 35 anni or sono, con quasto amico, Paul ci scambiamo messaggi email settimanalmente e una volta tanto parliamo anche per telefono. Mio caro amico, tu sei rimasto mio amico perche' tu mi vuoi bene e io ti volglio anche tanto bene.
Dio ti benedica oggi, domani e sempre. Peter
Friday, March 2, 2012
This is the building containing Flinders Street, Railway Station The Station is in the city of Melbourne. Melbourne is a city loved by lots of people who live in Melbourne, people who live all over Victoria, people from all other cities in Australia, people from all over Australia and people from all over the world. Melbourne population is increasing every week. it is a city where people like to live. I have lived in Melbourne for most of my life and love the place. The only people who may at times have some criticism are the people from Sydney, I think they are just jelous.
Melbourne Climate
Just about a week ago the temperature reached 38 degrees a couple of days. For about over a week it was hot, at times very, very hot. We used the airconditioning to keep cool and at the same time we tried to drink lots of liquids to keep hydrated. We all got through that period of the heatwave.
Since then we had a substantial amount of rain in Melbourne while in some areas in the counrty are having massive floods. Today, 3 March it is quite cool, some older people may be tempted to turn on the heater or the heating system. We all know that the temperature in Melbourne is volatile and I believe that we should be thankful because even though at times the temperature reaches extreme proportions, we can undoublty expect a change within a few days and things get back to normal.
I think we are blessed because until the present moment we have been able to escape tremors, floods and other big poroblems that occurred in many other parts of the world including other states in Australia and rural Victoria. I love Melbourne and most of its inhabitants.
Since then we had a substantial amount of rain in Melbourne while in some areas in the counrty are having massive floods. Today, 3 March it is quite cool, some older people may be tempted to turn on the heater or the heating system. We all know that the temperature in Melbourne is volatile and I believe that we should be thankful because even though at times the temperature reaches extreme proportions, we can undoublty expect a change within a few days and things get back to normal.
I think we are blessed because until the present moment we have been able to escape tremors, floods and other big poroblems that occurred in many other parts of the world including other states in Australia and rural Victoria. I love Melbourne and most of its inhabitants.
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